Friday, August 24, 2018

Welcoming the New Kindergarteners to Eli Whitney

Last night was the annual Kindergarten Meet and Greet. It was great to see so many new faces and so many familiar faces. Everyone was so excited to meet their new teachers, meet the principal, Mrs. Forek, and our new assistant principal, Mr. Veteri.

The PTSA has lovely gift bags for each incoming kindergartener. 

click on a photo to be taken to a larger view

The 6th grade parents sponsored their children's classes so that they could paint Hearts of Hope last year with the intent on leaving them as a legacy for the incoming kindergartners. Several of last year's 6th graders volunteered to come to tonight's event to help pass out those  hearts to the incoming kindergartners to bring the project full circle. The parents of the incoming kindergartners were very touched by this heartfelt gesture! The messages left by those 6th graders were amazing! It would be wonderful if this tradition would continue.

Welcoming the New Kindergarteners to Eli Whitney

Last night was the annual Kindergarten Meet and Greet. It was great to see so many new faces and so many familiar faces. Everyone was so ...